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Radu Mares

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Hello to everyone
« le: novembre 21, 2018, 07:37:39 pm »

My name its Radu, im from romania, i discover a passion for shooting clay

I want to make my own simulator, i will buy the licence for bouth disciplines trap and hunting, but you have to give some advice to set this up

I'll attach a link below for a laser I've found.

The Camera is ok PS3 Eye? I also found it in my country at a very good price
I'm waiting for an answer if the laser is not good recommend me something else

Thank you
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Re : Hello to everyone
« Réponse #1 le: novembre 22, 2018, 04:27:07 pm »

Hi Radu,

Welcome to this STC community.

This section is for presentation, if you want to talk about simulator try our DTL ou hunting section.

For now we have only trap simulator, the hunting was developed in 2d, but we are porting it to 3d engin, for more realistic simulation.

The laser maybe not enough for this simulator.....

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