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 le: décembre 19, 2018, 05:22:26 pm 
Démarré par Chipper - Dernier message par Chipper
You guys are great. Thanks so much. Paypal says I have the refund.
I am really looking forward to when I can purchase that Trap Software.


 le: décembre 19, 2018, 02:16:30 pm 
Démarré par Chipper - Dernier message par Admin
Refund done.

Informe you by email once both systems trap and hunting are migrated to next upgrade.

Thank you
STC Admin

 le: décembre 19, 2018, 11:31:04 am 
Démarré par Chipper - Dernier message par Chipper
Can you please refund the money.

Please send me an email when it is ready for purchase.

Thank you.

 le: décembre 19, 2018, 12:57:24 am 
Démarré par Chipper - Dernier message par Admin
Hi Chipper,

Sorry for the delay, I have to refund your 20 euros, because the trap and hunting simulator are being upgraded to another level for more realistic simulation, it may take a while, but will come for sure.

Please I need you confirm being refunded or keep your reservation for the trap simulator.

Thank you

STC Admin.

 le: décembre 18, 2018, 11:00:33 am 
Démarré par Chipper - Dernier message par Chipper
I paid the 20 euro dollars via paypal, for the "Trap" shooting simulator on December 16. Will I receive an email confirmation from you guys? I have not received anything yet.

 le: novembre 30, 2018, 03:38:22 pm 
Démarré par Radu Mares - Dernier message par Radu Mares
I do the same like the guy in video, a piece of floppy disk and is done? Other things to do?

 le: novembre 29, 2018, 05:20:00 pm 
Démarré par Radu Mares - Dernier message par Admin
Thanks i just ordered, is need to modifie the ps3eye? what things has to do?

You have to remove ir block filter an put visible light block filter.

 le: novembre 28, 2018, 08:42:58 am 
Démarré par Radu Mares - Dernier message par Radu Mares
Thanks i just ordered, is need to modifie the ps3eye? what things has to do?

 le: novembre 26, 2018, 06:54:20 pm 
Démarré par Radu Mares - Dernier message par Admin
This is a good one:

works great with modified ps3eye

 le: novembre 26, 2018, 06:00:28 pm 
Démarré par Radu Mares - Dernier message par Radu Mares
What laser do you recomand for simulator i have the camera and the projector, all i need is laser and licence to build the simularor
if you have give me a link or send me a laser ?

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